Friday, July 04, 2008

When beauty regimens go bad

Two months ago this guy came round to mine. Don't get too excited, I did know him - we'd been out a few times (a decent number of times). Let's call him Dave. I did. It's not his name and he did get quite annoyed, but names have never been my strong point.

Anyway, we had a lovely evening. He cooked. We skipped dessert. We headed through to the bedroom (insert 80s synth and saxophone music here). We were standing by the bed, I was facing 'Dave'. I reached down behind me and pulled back the duvet. My bedspread is red (this isn't just girly detail by the way, it's an important factor). Suddenly, Dave stopped kissing me. I noticed his expression had changed.

"What is it?" I asked.
He moved his head forward to indicate in the direction of the bed. "Eh, what's that?"
I froze. Even though I knew there was nothing weird or dodgy in my bed, I was reluctant to turn around. Eventually I did and I was totally shocked by what I saw.

There were numerous 'white patches' on my red fitted sheet. 'Oh my God, what the hell is that' I silently floundered. "Erm ... eh ... it's not what it looks like," I finally managed.

"Well, that is what it looks like."
"Well, it's not. It's definitely not. I mean I haven't. And if I had, I would have washed the sheets."
"Well, what is it then?"

My mind ticked over furiously. I couldn't think what it might be. C'mon, c'mon, what is it. After what seemed like an eternity, it finally clicked into place.

"Aha," I ventured victoriously. I turned back to face Dave with a proud smile. "It's heel cream!" I remembered that I'd been putting it on my heels every night. You're supposed to put socks on after you've applied it, but I loathe wearing socks in bed so I'd opted to dangle my feet over the edge until it had been absorbed. Obviously, I hadn't waited long enough and some of it had been absorbed by my sheets.

"Heel cream? What the fuck is heel cream?"
"It's cream, for putting on your heels so they're all silky and smooth in the summer."

Dave didn't look convinced.

"Look! I'll show you." I pulled open the top drawer on my bedside table and pulled out the heel cream. "See?" I said rattling the box.

He wasn't looking at me. He was staring at my open drawer. I looked down.

Next to the heel cream were three boxes of condoms.

"There was a three for two offer on at Boots," I offered sheepishly.

He burst out laughing and we lay down on the bed.

"I'm definitely not going to have to pay you after this am I?"

We ended up laughing ourselves to sleep.


Anonymous said...

Only you babe. Only you. However, I am now slightly jealous that we never had quite so much hilarity when we tried it.

Anonymous said...

Who the fuck is Dave? Where did he come from? Why do you never tell me the exciting stuff? Gill x

Anonymous said...

And who the hell is 'anonymous' above me? And what did you do with him? Please tell me it's a 'him'!Gill x

Lucky Duck said...

Ha ha - in your dreams mate.

Gill, ignore him. He is just trying to be funny.